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NRA Leaders' Links to Sexual Scandals

The following is a list of controversial statements and actions of NRA leaders regarding their ties to Sexual Scandals. NRA leaders are listed alphabetically by last name.

Bob Barr (Board Member)

In January 1999, Barr’s second wife, Gail, swore in an affidavit that she was convinced that Barr had an affair with a woman who would become his third wife while he was still married to her. Barr did not deny the affair when asked about it repeatedly during divorce proceedings. The affidavit was released to the public while Barr served as a manager during impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton. Impeachment managers were Congressmen on the House Judiciary Committee who functioned as prosecutors during the proceedings. Clinton was impeached after he was accused of lying about an extra-marital affair.

Larry Craig (Board Member)

In June 2007, Craig, a married man, was arrested in a Minneapolis airport bathroom and charged with lewd conduct after an undercover male police officer accused him of making sexual advances. Craig later pled guilty to disorderly conduct. The Idaho Statesman published a comprehensive investigative report alleging that Craig engaged in sex acts with men for decades. A number of men gave accounts of sexual encounters with Craig.

Larry Craig (Board Member)

In a 1999 appearance on Meet the Press, Craig criticized then-President Bill Clinton for having an extramarital affair, calling Clinton “a nasty, bad, naughty boy”.

Larry Craig (Board Member)

Craig urged his sexual partners to keep quiet by using threats, reportedly telling one man in 1986, “I can buy and sell your ass a thousand times over. You were never here.”

Larry Craig (Board Member)

In 1982 a former male Congressional page alleged that Members of Congress had encouraged pages to engage in sexual activity and drug and alcohol use. While no Members of Congress were specifically named, then-Representative Craig issued a preemptive statement denying involvement.

Karl Malone (Board Member)

In 2008, ESPN reported that when Malone was a sophomore at Louisiana Tech he impregnated a 13-year-old girl. Their son, who is now a professional athlete, has said, “I treat it as if my mother went to the sperm bank. I don't hate him for [not being in my life]. It made me a better person.”

Karl Malone (Board Member)

In 2004, LA Lakers player Kobe Bryant accused Malone of making passes at his wife. “What he said is what he said. I believe in my heart that it wasn't a misunderstanding. My wife wasn't going to stand for it. She felt uncomfortable being around him to the point that she felt she had to call his wife and tell her,” said Bryant. According to Malone’s agent, Bryant’s wife asked Malone, “Hey, cowboy, what are you hunting?” and Malone replied, “I'm hunting for little Mexican girls.” Bryant’s wife, Vanessa Bryant, is of Mexican descent.

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In an August 10, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily about the extra-marital affair of Democratic politician John Edwards, Norris wrote, “I myself have experienced it, as I wrote about in the chapter ‘A sin that became a blessing’ in my autobiography, ‘Against All Odds,’ in which I discuss an adulterous one-night stand in the early ’60s that resulted in my wonderful daughter, Dina.” In “Against All Odds,” Norris described several dates he and his friend went on with two sisters, despite the fact that Norris was married at the time. According to Norris, “One night Johanna and I went to a drive-in movie alone, and we engaged in sexual intercourse, right there in the car.” Norris went on to harshly criticize Edwards for his affair, writing, “Enduring public humiliation is not the only price a political leader should pay for improprieties; I think they should be disciplined, suspended, if not disposed from areas of future public service. The consequence of corruption should also be increased restrictions, if not a banning from certain areas of public service. If one cannot properly handle their private affairs, can we truly expect them to handle political ones?” In another column published in February 2007, Norris encouraged Newt Gingrich—who participated in multiple extra-marital affairs—to run for president “because despite personal past shortcomings, I believe Newt is a Republican as they used to be and, even more, meets the criteria established by men of old.”

Ted Nugent (Board Member)

On March 22, 2004, rock star/musician Courtney Love appeared on the “Howard Stern Show” and stated that she performed oral sex on Nugent when she was 12 years old.

Ted Nugent (Board Member)

In 1978, Nugent began dating a 17 year old girl when he was 30 years old. To avoid any legal repercussions, Nugent convinced the girl’s parents to sign over legal guardianship rights to him. The move was ranked #63 in a Spinmagazine list entitled, “The 100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock.”

Ted Nugent (Board Member)

In 2004, Nugent was sued for child support by a woman he fathered a child with while married to his current wife. During the proceedings, the woman’s lawyer accused Nugent of “trying to intimidate his client into withdrawing questions about Nugent's finances.” In 2005, Nugent was ordered to pay $3,500 a month in child support.

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