Sandy Froman

Sandy Froman (Board Member)

Sandy Froman - Former NRA President - NRA Board Member
Former NRA president, Co-Chair of Republican Tim Bee’s 2008 campaign against Representative Gabby Giffords (D-AZ).

Sandy Froman became a gun rights activist following an incident in which a burglar unsuccessfully attempted to break into her home. In 2005, Froman was elected NRA President after serving as a Board Member and Vice President for a number of years. She stated that her two goals as NRA president were to promote concealed carry of firearms in public and “to work to get good judges appointed.”

Photo by David Burnett

Controversial Actions and Statements

Controversial Actions and Statements:

Sandy Froman (Board Member)

In the March 2007 edition of America’s 1st Freedom, stating, Froman wrote, “The U.N. forces believe that now is the time to advance their agenda to use international law and treaties to outlaw private firearm ownership in the United States.” She was referring to a United Nations treaty dealing with small arms trafficking. The treaty’s actual goal is to reduce the illicit international trade in small arms—it does not address the issue of private firearms ownership. In any case, foreign treaties require approval by two-thirds of the members of the U.S. Senate in order to be ratified.

Conspiracy Theory |

Sandy Froman (Board Member)

Prior to the November 2006 Congressional elections, Froman urged NRA members to vote for Republican candidates in a column in America’s 1st Freedom, writing, “Disaster is looming on Nov. 7, and I need your help to save our freedom. I’m not exaggerating. We are at the edge of a dangerous political precipice. If we stumble, we will fall back to a pre-1994 [Democratic] anti-Second Amendment Congress. If we fail to act, out of apathy or because we want someone else to do our job, we betray not only ourselves but our children and grandchildren. We betray our country and Founding Fathers. Every gain we’ve made for the Second Amendment could be reversed unless we win this critical election.” Froman also added, “We are at war. Our freedom is at stake. The Second Amendment is America’s original homeland security and you, my fellow NRA members, are at the heart of our national defense. But Pelosi and her fellow extremists, who are hoping to take control, oppose our national security efforts and oppose your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.” Democrats did gain control of the House during the 2006 elections, and were the majority party until the Republicans retook the House in 2010.

Conspiracy Theory | Republican Party (GOP) | Political Violence

Sandy Froman (Board Member)

In the August 2006 edition of America’s 1st Freedom, Froman claimed, “The United Nations is engaged in a global gun ban-scheme. It is well-organized and well funded by eccentric anti-gun billionaires. The goal of this movement is to get every nation to sign a treaty banning the private ownership of firearms worldwide and giving U.N. troops authority to enforce the treaty.” She was referring to a United Nations treaty dealing with small arms trafficking. The treaty’s actual goal is to reduce the illicit international trade in small arms—it does not address the issue of private firearms ownership. In any case, foreign treaties require approval by two-thirds of the members of the U.S. Senate in order to be ratified.

Conspiracy Theory |

Sandy Froman (Board Member)

In a 2006 interview with her alma mater’s alumni magazine, Stanford Magazine, Froman said, “Everyone is safer when criminals don’t know who is armed. I’m this five-foot-two middle-aged lady, but they don’t know I’ll shoot their guts out.”


Sandy Froman (Board Member)

In the August 2005 edition of Americas 1st Freedom, Froman commented on NRA programs by stating, “I have never been a ‘women’s’ program person. I was never a women’s ‘libber.’ I don’t believe that women are second class citizens or that they need any special breaks.”

Women’s Rights

Sandy Froman (Board Member)

In a column in the August 2005 edition of America’s 1st Freedom, From an wrote, “Activist judges in some courtrooms have been ignoring—or in some cases rewriting—the Constitution as they push a radical agenda on the American people. The political left, unable to pass its extremist agenda at the ballot box and losing elections across the board, has turned to the courtroom to undermine our constitutional order, Bill of Rights and basic American institutions.”

Republican Party (GOP) |

Sandy Froman (Board Member)

In her “President’s Column” in the July 2005 issue of American Rifleman, Froman wrote, “President Bush may nominate as many as three new justices and, if they are like [Antonin] Scalia and [Clarence] Thomas, they will create a Supreme Court that would be the ultimate guardian of your Second Amendment rights.”

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