Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

Chuck Norris - NRA Spokesperson
Actor, Celebrity Spokesperson

Chuck Norris rose to fame in the 1970s and 1980s for his role in martial arts films and the TV drama “Walker, Texas Ranger.” Since that time, he has become a fixture in the Conservative movement. A prominent supporter of Republican Mike Huckabee’s presidential run in 2008, Norris has authored books and made numerous television appearances in support of various right wing causes. In 2010, the National Rifle Association Institute for Legal Action initiated a “Trigger the Vote” campaign featuring Norris as the honorary chairman. The goal of the campaign was to encourage voters to support candidates endorsed by the NRA. Norris is also the author of a column on the ultraconservative WorldNetDaily website.

Not released
Chuck Norris

Controversial Actions and Statements

Controversial Actions and Statements:

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a January 2, 2024 op-ed for Townhall, Norris wrote about the November 2012 presidential election, stating, “Will the next four years of [President Barack] Obama intensify the secular progressive assault against our republic and your freedoms? Without a doubt!” He also gave advice to Republicans, stating, “You don't fight and win unconventional wars with conventional weapons; that's why we lost in November … What Washington wrote to the Continental Army before the Battle of Long Island should be inscribed on every patriot's wall now, given November's defeat: ‘The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their Houses, and Farms, are to be pillaged and destroyed … We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die.’ As we walk into 2013, Gena and I have been asking again how we can best be used in the fight for God and country and seeking in particular how the God of our Founding Fathers would have us respond to November's political mudslide. We believe we know. And part of it means altering our strategies and approach as Washington did. I'll say this much: If you don't see Navy SEALs on the battlefield, don't assume for a moment that they're absent from the battle. They merely have gone stealth, underground (or underwater!), cloaked and engaged in covert measures and unconventional methods of warfare. Washington's words should be reread at the turn of this new year, especially by anyone who feels that the end is imminent.”

Republican Party (GOP) | Political Violence | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

On November 1, 2012, Norris endorsed Judge Roy Moore for chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and released a radio ad with his wife, Gena. In the ad, Norris states, “America is at a tipping point and we must act. We need true patriots to get us out of the mess we're in. I know Judge Moore, and he is a true patriot.” Gena stated, “He has fought the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union] and liberal judges to preserve our rights and freedoms … He knows our liberty is given by God, not government.” In 2003, Judge Roy Moore was removed from the office of chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court for refusing to abide by a federal court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the lobby of a state judicial building.

Republican Party (GOP) | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In an October 31, 2023 op-ed for Newsbusters, Norris wrote, “[President Barack] Obama can spin a fact, and even though it's wrong or untrue, we almost believe it. Then he sends his minions out to spin the same fact, hoping that if we hear it enough times, we finally will believe it. The attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is a prime example. Even though Obama knew—from the moment of the assault—that it was a terrorist attack, he didn't let the American people know. We recently learned a drone was recording the attack in real time, and our president was watching from the Situation Room. It is clear that he chose to deceive the American people deliberately, saying it was a mob protest and blaming it on a video that nobody had seen.” Norris was referring to an attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya on September 11, 2012, in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed. On September 12, 2012, one day after the attack, President Obama spoke about the incident, saying, “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for." Furthermore, in an October 24, 2023 article, CBS reported that an audio feed of the attack—not a video—was being monitored live by Charlene Lamb , the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Programs in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security at the State Department, not President Obama.

Republican Party (GOP) | Foreign Policy

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In an October 9, 2023 op-ed for Newsbusters, Norris stated, “On Oct. 7, 1780, American patriots prevailed against loyalists in the Carolinas and won their first Southern battle. The Battle of Kings Mountain is a victory not often highlighted today but was a critical win nonetheless. It shows the importance of patriots everywhere persevering in every battle against adversarial forces—even against those born on American soil. The cable network History documented how a loyalist militia under Maj. Patrick Ferguson, largely made up of South Carolina frontiersmen, was defeated by a patriot militia under Col. William Campbell at the Battle of Kings Mountain in North Carolina near the South Carolina border. Ferguson warned the patriots to lay down their arms or watch the loyalists ‘lay waste’ to their country ‘with fire and sword.’ But 1,000 patriot militiamen…courageously confronted Ferguson's loyalists, who were positioned on the rocky ridge of Kings Mountain. Losing the upper hand to what he called the ‘band of banditti,’ Ferguson tried to intimidate the patriots by sending a wall of loyalists blitzing down the mountain, but they were cut down in a hail of patriot bullets … Feels a lot like how we patriots are often outnumbered in modern cultural and political wars and elections, doesn't it? Surrounded by bands of adversaries born on American soil? Gone are the days when patriots…led attacks against loyalist posts during the Revolutionary War. But present today are many other great patriots, aside from the one in the presidential race—such as Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Rep. Allen West, R-Fla.; Rafael Edward ‘Ted’ Cruz, R-Texas; Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo.; Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, ‘Joe the Plumber,’ R-Ohio; and Judge Roy Moore, R-Ala.—who are fighting worthy battles in state election arenas at this very moment … We patriots, Christian and otherwise, must not allow that to happen Nov. 6, 2012! It's time for patriots everywhere to rally together again and take back America. As patriots did in the battle on Kings Mountain, we must take a stand in local and national elections and wage war again for our republic.”

Republican Party (GOP) | Political Violence | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a September 25, 2023 op-ed for Townhall, Norris wrote, “Sometimes, as the saying goes, the truth really is stranger than fiction. There may have been some wild plotlines on ‘Walker, Texas Ranger,’ but there was nothing that compares to the scandal surrounding ‘Fast and Furious’—the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation that resulted in the loss of a distinguished Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry. The congressional investigation into "Fast and Furious" has been going on for more than a year, but it was stonewalled by Attorney General Eric Holder, who instead opened an internal investigation by the Department of Justice's inspector general … ‘Fast and Furious’ involved the ‘walking’ of guns into Mexico—an artful term for gun smuggling that was clearly illegal but nonetheless encouraged … There may be deeper motives for allowing these guns to walk into Mexico that remain unaccounted for. Is it possible that allowing an infusion of firearms to go into Mexico was intended to provoke an explosion of gun violence, thus prompting domestic politicians to call for sweeping new restrictions on our rights? The report is silent on this count … The inspector general's report is a chilling indictment of a collapse in leadership at the highest levels of federal law enforcement. There may be 14 staffers who take the fall, but it's clear that their politically appointed superiors were either asleep at the switch or willing to jeopardize public safety to push an agenda that remains undisclosed. Can anyone possibly need any more reasons to register to vote? The bottom line is that the American people deserve answers that go well beyond the inspector general's report. Congress needs to proceed with a comprehensive investigation, and it must have the unfettered cooperation and access that the Department of Justice thus far has withheld. And Justice is clearly in need of new leadership. Let's give it to them.” The DOJ Inspector General’s report released on September 19, 2012, which Norris refers to—though critical of officials in Washington, D.C. [the report recommended potential sanctions for 14 government employees]—stated that Attorney General Eric Holder had no advance knowledge of the tactics and risks involved in the “Fast and Furious” operation until after it was concluded in 2011.

Republican Party (GOP) |

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a September 16, 2023 op-ed for WND, Norris wrote, “Last time I checked, Americans were responsible for making our own laws. We do not invite foreign nations to have a say in how we govern ourselves within our own borders. Yet if you follow what’s been going on with the United Nations this year, you would know the U.S. came perilously close to having other countries dictate our gun laws. And the fight isn’t over yet. The United Nations has been debating an ‘Arms Trade Treaty’ for nearly a decade now. While the treaty is ostensibly focused on military arms, it has long been clear that the majority of U.N. delegates consider our personal firearms to be crying out for international regulation as well. The focus of the treaty would demand that governments regulate the sale and possession of firearms worldwide–all of them, including yours and mine … This summer, the debate reached a fever pitch during a month-long marathon negotiation session in July. The goal was to disgorge a treaty in time for the Obama administration to sign it before Election Day … The treaty was actually intended as a mechanism to submit our unique Second Amendment guarantees to international inspection–and condemnation … What can we do? We can ensure that we have a president who will not support the treaty, and a U.S. Senate that will not ratify the treaty it. That’s not a one-time commitment. Remember, once a treaty is enacted, it can be picked up at any time by a president and Senate … Throughout my life I’ve been committed to preserving our freedom from threats, both foreign and domestic. This proposed U.N. global gun-control treaty may not be an ‘invasion’ in the classic sense of the word but believe me, over time it represents the potential for encroachment of the greatest kind. Protect your rights by registering to vote today!” In reality, the U.N. Small Arms Treaty would set only international standards for the import/export of conventional weapons—leaving it to individual countries to “regulate internal transfers of arms and national ownership, including through national constitutional protections on private ownership.”

Conspiracy Theory | Republican Party (GOP) |

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a September 9, 2023 op-ed for World Net Daily, Norris wrote, “Fewer than 60 days remain before Election Day. I don’t need to tell you how important this election is to the future of our country. The stakes are high, and that’s why I proudly serve as honorary chairman of Trigger the Vote, the NRA’s nonpartisan campaign to register voters who support the Second Amendment. As a proud gun owner and defender of our Constitution, I am working within the system to make sure my voice is heard in Washington … There’s a storm brewing on the horizon. Those who want to restrict our freedom have not surrendered. In truth, they are counting on this election to make their move. They are playing the long game, looking down the road to a day when one or more vacancies on the Supreme Court could upset the current balance. The Heller and McDonald decisions were decided by razor-thin, 5-4 majorities in the Supreme Court. Those who want to overturn these decisions are betting on at least one of the five Supreme Court justices to retire or otherwise leave service during the next four years. Some pundits have suggested that the number of Supreme Court vacancies filled by the next president could be as many as three … Our freedoms hang in the balance by the thin gossamer thread of a single vote. If that vote turns, the victories we worked so hard to solidify could be reversed … We need to make sure we have a president whose nominees for any court – including the Supreme Court–will support the original meaning of our Constitution.” The Supreme Court, in District of Columbia v. Heller, held for the first time in U.S. history that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to firearm ownership for self defense in the home; striking down D.C.’s handgun ban. In McDonald v. Chicago, the Court held that the Second Amendment, as interpreted in Heller, applied to the states through the Due Process Clause.

Conspiracy Theory | Republican Party (GOP) |

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

On September 1, 2012, Norris published a video to his YouTube channel in which he and his wife, Gena, issued a “dire warning” for America. He stated, “We are here to talk about a growing concern we all share. If we look to history, our great country and freedom are under attack. We’re at a tipping point and quite possibly our country as we know it may be lost forever if we don’t change the course our country is headed.” Gena stated, “With our country at a crossroads, Chuck and I have asked ourselves what we can be doing to support this great country we are blessed to live in and how we can encourage our like minded brothers and sisters to unite and let their voices be heard. It is estimated that in the 2008 election, 30 million evangelical Christians stayed home on voting day and [President Barack] Obama won the election by 10 million votes.” Norris continued, “We know you love your freedom as much as Gena and I do, and it is because of that that we can no longer sit quietly or stand on the side lines and watch our country go the way of socialism or something much worse … As Edmund Burke said, ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing.’ Our great President Ronald Reagan said, ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream, it must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” Gena stated, “President Reagan went on to say that ‘You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this last best hope for man on earth or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness.” Norris continued, stating, “Please stand with us. Let’s unite for God and country and may God continue to bless the United States of America.” The quote mentioned by Norris, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” is often attributed to Edmund Burke (who is often cited as the philosophical founder of modern Conservatism), but there is no evidence to indicate he ever said it.

Republican Party (GOP) | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In an August 19, 2023 op-ed for World Net Daily, Norris wrote, “Though America’s founders and framers of our Constitution built a framework that encouraged the freedom of religion, they trusted in God, the Creator, or Providence, to help, protect and provide for our new nation and the lives of its citizens. From our founding documents to their congressional deliberations and legislation, they advocated the role of religion and God in all they did, including intermingling their own Christian faith in their political convictions and choices. Our founders believed our republic was intended only for a moral and religious people, and that leaders of this nation should stand and fight for the same … When New York churches can no longer meet in public school settings, a federal court orders a Rhode Island public school to remove a prayer banner that has been posted for over five decades (and it complies), the federal government mandates Catholic institutions to cover abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives and sterilization (at no cost to the patient), the U.S. Air Force removes ‘God’ from the motto of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, the National Park Service omits the words ‘Laus Deo’ (Latin, 'Praise be to God') from a Washington Monument capstone replica, atheists continue to contest 'under God' in our Pledge of Allegiance, town councils can’t pray to start their meetings, evangelical pillars like Franklin Graham are subdued by gotcha-gangs in the mainstream media and cultural icons like football superstar Tim Tebow can’t even bow in silent prayer without criticism, etc., you can be assured that religious liberty (and Christianity, in particular) is under assault by secular progressives across America. And leading the national charge is none other than our own president, Barack Obama.” The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution explicitly prohibited the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.”

Conspiracy Theory | Republican Party (GOP) | Freedom of Speech | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a July 31, 2023 op-ed for Townhall, Norris compared President Barack Obama’s statements in a July 17 speech in Roanoke, Virginia to ones by Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. Norris wrote, “President Barack Obama's recent business-related comments in Virginia (‘If you've got a business—you didn't build that; somebody else made that happen’) sounded more communistic than capitalistic … To Obama, government is your business partner; government is your savior; government is your hero; government is the economic caped crusader who swoops down like the Dark Knight to save your soul, sales and pocketbook … [His statements] represent, at the very least, his preferred philosophy for a European type of socialism.” President Obama stated in his Roanoke speech, “There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me—because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t – look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something–there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that.”

Republican Party (GOP) |

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a June 24, 2023 op-ed for World Net Daily, Norris accused President Barack Obama of conspiring with Boy Scouts of America (BSA) national board member James Turley to overturn the BSA policy that bans gay scouts and leaders, citing Turley’s “close affiliations with the pro-gay Obama administration.” Turley was nominated to President Barack Obama’s Export Council in 2010, was granted a seat on an investment advisory panel which met in October 2011, and attended a state dinner hosted by President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama at the White House in March 2012. Norris wrote, “Is it a coincidence, too, that on March 3, 2009, Obama became the honorary president of the BSA–a position proudly and publicly held and highlighted by all presidents since President William Howard Taft in 1910, but that Obama’s induction was held behind closed doors in the Oval Office with seven or so Boy Scouts present and absolutely nothing noted in the White House daily briefing or any other official communication?” He continued, asking, “Is it a coincidence that as the honorary BSA president and a ‘constitutional lawyer’ that Obama hasn’t had one minute in his schedule over the past years to defend or say anything about the series of lawsuits that have been levied against the BSA because of its First Amendment rights to stand against atheists, agnostics and homosexuals? It is a coincidence that Obama will stand up repeatedly for the children of illegal immigrants (and grant them amnesty and the taxpayers’ monies) but that he will not once stand up for children in the BSA and the organization’s rights and freedoms to hold their own core values and beliefs?” Finally, Norris wrote, “Hasn’t America reached a new low in its history when the president of the United States (and the honorary president of the BSA!) distances himself and his administration from the Boy Scouts of America and yet invites groups like the Secular Student Alliance to participate in its faith and college missions?”

Conspiracy Theory | Immigration | Gay Rights

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a March 13, 2023 op-ed for, Norris wrote, “President Barack Obama’s energy plan involves radically increasing gas prices to the European rate of about $10 a gallon.” In fact, neither the President of the United States, nor the Department of Energy, sets the price of gas.

Conspiracy Theory | The Environment

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a May 13, 2023 op-ed for, Norris criticized a proposal by the Obama Administration to prevent “children younger than 16 from doing ‘agricultural work with animals and in pesticide handling, timber operations, manure pits and storage bins’ while also forbidding them from using ‘power-driven equipment’ and working in the ‘cultivation, harvesting and curing of tobacco.’” Norris asked, “What’s next? The feds’ crackdown making it illegal for kids to wash dishes, because a knife might cut them? No grinding up food, because the garbage disposer might malfunction and start suddenly while their hand is in it? No more cooking or ironing, because their hands might get burned? No more housecleaning, because the Environmental Protection Agency has designated the mixture of certain cleaning chemicals as hazardous to touch or breathe in? Let’s get real, folks! How far do the feds have to mingle in our manure before we say enough is enough? How far do we have to slide down the slippery slope of socialism before the descent becomes irreversible, before we say, ‘Welcome to Greece’?” Norris further accused President Barack Obama of proposing the measure to continue “implementation of Agenda 21, a United Nations program launched in 1992 for the nebulous purpose of reaching global ‘sustainable development’ but which actually promotes a European socialist system that will undermine and chip away our freedoms, liberties and rights.”

Conspiracy Theory | The Environment | Labor

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

During a November 2009 appearance on Fox News, when Norris was asked by host Sean Hannity about running for political office, he responded, “I’d be sitting here with my opponent debating, and then he would start attacking my character. And I’d jump over there and choke him unconscious.” When Hannity told Norris, “You have more control than that,” Norris responded, “I don’t. I don’t. I don’t. That’s the problem, I have a thin skin. And it was really tough in the film world. And believe me, in the political world I’d be killing half the people.” He concluded that the only way to get anything done in Washington would be to “choke out all the Democrats.”

Fox News | Republican Party (GOP) | Political Violence

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a November 9, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily, Norris addressed president-elect Barack Obama, writing, “Quite frankly, that is why I’m surprised that a man like you, who professes to fight for minorities, would not recognize the clear value of a human life in the womb.”

Race | Women’s Rights

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In November 2008, Norris appeared with his wife Gena in a television advertisement in support of the California ballot initiative Proposition 8, which sought to ban gay marriage in the state. In the ad, Norris stated, “God created the first couple a man and a woman – there’s no reason to be ashamed of that fact.”

Gay Rights | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a September 28, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily, Norris wrote. “If there is any minority in the coastal states that is being discriminated against and actively suppressed, it is conservatives, and worst of all are religious conservatives – and everyone knows it … In a so-called age of tolerance, it amazes me just how intolerant some are of those who stand for traditional values. For example, if I stand against California’s memorializing of the Harvey Milk Day or stand for their constitutional amendment of Proposition 8 to safeguard heterosexual purity in marriage, ... I’m considered by many as intolerant and a bigot.” Harvey Milk Day celebrates the memory of gay activist and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Harvey Milk who was assassinated in 1978 by a political rival. Norris also named actor Mel Gibson as someone who has “stood for conservative values.” Gibson has been a controversial figure since a recording of an anti-Semitic rant during his 2006 DUI arrest appeared in the media.

Republican Party (GOP) | Gay Rights | Race | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In an August 10, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily about the extra-marital affair of Democratic politician John Edwards, Norris wrote, “I myself have experienced it, as I wrote about in the chapter ‘A sin that became a blessing’ in my autobiography, ‘Against All Odds,’ in which I discuss an adulterous one-night stand in the early ’60s that resulted in my wonderful daughter, Dina.” In “Against All Odds,” Norris described several dates he and his friend went on with two sisters, despite the fact that Norris was married at the time. According to Norris, “One night Johanna and I went to a drive-in movie alone, and we engaged in sexual intercourse, right there in the car.” Norris went on to harshly criticize Edwards for his affair, writing, “Enduring public humiliation is not the only price a political leader should pay for improprieties; I think they should be disciplined, suspended, if not disposed from areas of future public service. The consequence of corruption should also be increased restrictions, if not a banning from certain areas of public service. If one cannot properly handle their private affairs, can we truly expect them to handle political ones?” In another column published in February 2007, Norris encouraged Newt Gingrich—who participated in multiple extra-marital affairs—to run for president “because despite personal past shortcomings, I believe Newt is a Republican as they used to be and, even more, meets the criteria established by men of old.”

Republican Party (GOP) | Sexual Scandals |

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

Norris implored California’s then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to support off-shore oil drilling in a June 23, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily by writing, “Arnold, my hope is that you are not being muscled by environmental thugs, when the majority of Americans are needing and crying out for your representation, too. We must be willing to lay aside our partisan politics and do what’s best for Americans. Now is not the time to cater to the coral-reef crowd, especially when drilling is much more environmentally safe than it was in 1981 when the ban to drill was enacted.” Less than two years later, an offshore drilling disaster took the lives of 11 workers and caused up to 4.9 million barrels of oil to spill into the Gulf of Mexico.

The Environment

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

Shortly before the 2008 presidential election, Norris appeared in an ad for the National Rifle Association and stated, “I’m Chuck Norris, a black belt patriot. If some thug breaks into my home I can use my roundhouse kick, but I prefer he look down the barrel of my gun.”

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In an October 8, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily entitled “Is the American Military ‘The Christian Taliban’?” Norris wrote “The fact is, our country is more obsessed with highlighting Christian fundamentalist abuses than we are the plots and ploys of Muslim extremists who are attacking our troops.”

Conspiracy Theory | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a September 10, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily, Norris provided his readers with a link to, a website devoted to propagating conspiracy theories about the September 11, 2023 terrorist attacks. claims that the United States government was involved in, or aware of, the terrorist plot that left nearly 3,000 dead. Norris went on to draw a link between the Barbary Wars, an 18th and 19th century conflict between the United States Navy and the Barbary States of North Africa, and modern Islamic extremism, writing, “Before America was a new nation, Muslim extremists hated the West. When America was born, she was aligned with the Western (“Christian”) countries and therefore became an enemy of them as well. What we witness today in our relations with extremists is essentially no different than back then, except the stakes are much higher and more costly.”

Conspiracy Theory | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In an August 27, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily, Norris wrote, “As illegal immigrants continue crime sprees from New Jersey to Oregon, and our government fails to produce a suitable resolution to the immigrant crisis, now more than ever is the time to beat the doors of change and save the shores of Americana.” He went on to offer a number of solutions to the immigration issue in the United States, suggesting, “We need to immediately quit subsidizing the costs for illegal immigrants’ residency in America. How long will we allow them to siphon millions upon millions from honest, taxpaying Americans by supporting their health care, welfare, education and criminal expenses? … If arrested, law enforcement needs to check the immigrant status of criminals. If they’re illegal, deport them. Far cheaper is their deportation than the lifelong leeching from genuine taxpaying citizens … To preserve our heritage, distinction and encourage one common language, we must make English the official (though obviously not the exclusive) language of the U.S.” Norris’s assertion that taxpayers subsidize illegal immigration is disputed. According to The Daily Beast, “The consensus among most economists is that immigration, both legal and illegal, provides a small net boost to the economy. Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower the prices of everything from produce to new homes, and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets. They also replenish—and help fund benefits for—an aging American labor force that will retire in huge numbers over the next few decades. Also, an increase in the number of American workers is needed to prevent the U.S. from having too few working-age adults to pay for retiree benefits in a few decades, as many European nations currently do.”

Education | Health Care | Immigration | Poverty | Race

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a July 23, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily entitled, “Don’t Send Your Kids to College–Before You Read This,” Norris claimed that institutes of higher learning in the United States train “students to disdain America, freely experiment sexually, forcefully defend issues like abortion and homosexuality, as well as become cultural advocates for political correctness, relativism, globalization, green agendas and tolerance for all.” He then wrote that parents should encourage their children to “attend a private, conservative or Christian college or university.”

Education | The Environment | Gay Rights | Religion | Women’s Rights

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a May 14, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily, Norris wrote, “Though the U.S. Constitution outlaws religious discrimination, these [atheist] organizations and individuals would love nothing more than to help society look with distain upon Christianity and, ultimately, make its components illegal. In fact, right now, they are coalescing and rallying at least 5 million of their troops to mount counter offensives to Christianity. For that reason I believe theistic patriots need to be wise to atheists’ overt and covert schemes, exposing their agenda and fighting to lay waste to their plans.” Norris also bemoaned that “Congress passed what might become one of the most religiously restrictive pieces of legislation in history: H.R. 1592, ‘The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.’ With Senate approval, this bill will expand the law against such hate crimes, allowing federal funds and other resources to assist local law enforcement to deter and punish acts of violence committed against an individual because of the victim’s race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. While the bill purports to target crimes of brutality, not speech, it could very easily end up (even inadvertently) restricting First Amendment rights of Christians to speak freely against such anti-biblical practices as homosexuality and transvestitism … Once enforced, what would stop a clergy from being accused as an accessory to a hate crime, after he preached to his church on Sunday about the woes of same-sex marriage and discovered on Monday one of his congregants got in a fight with a homosexual co-worker as a result of a moral altercation? The fact is, if the hate-crime bill passes, pastors could easily become pulpit partners in crime.”

Conspiracy Theory | Gay Rights | Race | Religion | Women’s Rights

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In an April 9, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily entitled, “Bringing the Bible Back into Public Schools,” Norris claimed, “The Scripture was the bedrock and blueprint of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, academic arenas and heritage until the last quarter of a century.” He then endorsed the controversial National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools (NCBCPS). The constitutionality of the NCBCPS curriculum is highly suspect, and the program has been withdrawn from a number of school districts after legal challenge. According to a report by the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund, “the NCBCPS curriculum was plagued by shoddy research, plagiarism and a bias that favored one religious perspective Protestant fundamentalism over all others.”

Education | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a March 26, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily, Norris complained that English settlers were being portrayed in a negative light compared to Native Americans at the Jamestown Settlement Museum. He went on to write, “British culture is not the only thing disappearing at Jamestown–so is Christianity.” Norris then addressed a resolution passed by the Virginia General Assembly expressing “profound regret” for the state’s role in slavery, stating, “I find the timing of these confessions particularly intriguing, especially being offered in our overly sensitive, appeasing culture during the 400th anniversary year of Jamestown.” Norris then downplayed the hardships experienced by Africans living in the Jamestown settlement and concluded, “While I would never condone slavery (of the Africans) or the slaughter of innocent lives (of the Indians) by these early colonists, I believe softening the gala of the 400th anniversary from ‘a celebration’ to ‘a commemoration’ is an unnecessary extreme. The Jamestown Settlement has unfortunately catered to the world community at the cost of compromising history, truth and culture. At the same time they are inadvertently fertilizing prejudicial grounds against England, Christianity and these early settlers. By reducing British contributions, eliminating the colony’s Christian mission, offering a ‘timely’ apology for its racial bigotry and adding a dash of environmental education (thrown in for good measure), the organizers of the 400th anniversary of Jamestown have certainly created a recipe for Pocahontas’ perfect politically correct party. Congratulations, America! You’ve been sold out again.”

The Environment | Race | Religion

Chuck Norris (Celebrity Spokesperson)

In a February 5, 2023 op-ed for WorldNetDaily, Norris urged his readers to support only Christian candidates for political office, and claimed that Thomas Jefferson “could never have imagined a democracy in which its congressmen were sworn into government upon a Quran.” Members of Congress raise their right hand to take the oath of office and do not place their hand on any religious book. Some Members choose to hold a religious text during the process and, in 2007, Democrat Keith Ellison held a copy of the Koran once owned by Thomas Jefferson.

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